Pictures from various events over the years at Low Moor Allotments.
Girl power! A great turnout saw lots of clearing work on the Kids' Community Garden (plot 108 near the car park), February 2004.
Last of the tomatoes and the first early pumpkins. These are a miniature variety.
The Award Winning Penny's sunflower plot! (just shows what that horse manure can muster, eh?)
And the opening day party! Naturally, the British weather gave us its full support...
This was taken before the summer season had transformed all that hard work into a harvest.
This is towards the end of the day, the Kids' Community Garden plot looking pretty good already. Amazing what a few volunteers can achieve - many thanks to everyone who helped!
After the first day, much of the worst is done and the pitch is ready for its underlay and quarry stone.
Our gorgeous Aussie Barby Queen shows the wimpy Poms how it's done.
Hot air balloons over the allotments are a frequent sight on mild summer evenings.
The 2004 "First Barbie of the Year" prize goes to Jen & Julian (and guests) on plot 40B. Let's hope they were wearing their sun cream in that hot spring weather...
A peaceful summer evening, with plot 41 looking immaculate as usual.
Picnicking again... just prior to getting the apples and pears in.
Sweetcorn straight from the plot really taste different, great with a bit o' butter!
Bec hired a digger and thousands of innocent passer-bys were press-ganged into wheelbarrow service!
Plot 22 displays a mighty harvest of apples and pears. 3 apple trees and 1 pear tree provided 1 sack of cookers, 3 sacks of eaters and half a box of pears. Cider anyone?
That first stage - plot clearance then turning over the ground for the first time. These two are just about to take a well earned rest underneath the apple trees of plot 22.
The harvest time barbie on plot 69 was a mellow, civilised occasion, and there were even enough seats. Never let it be said it gets too cold to barbeque in August.
The petanque pitch as not much more than an idea... It had been previously used as the site rubbish tip.
Clegg's Patented Pear Picker. A team of 40 people worked for 4 years to bring you this state of the art pear picker. Fashioned from 2 bits of metal, a coathanger, an old hinge, a bike pump spring, some string and a pair tights (buyer provides). Available now for only £450.99p from Clegg's Miracle Technologies Ltd.
We had a good turnout of volunteers, may thanks to all who helped!
The clearance of plots 44-53 down the side of the cemetery wall has made an interesting scrubland of sorts - yet, incredibly, these are some of the last plots left! The clearance of plots 44-53 down the side of the cemetery wall has made an interesting scrubland of sorts - yet, incredibly, these are some of the last plots left!
Just over from Hong Kong, these little 'uns thought the barbeque on plot 69 was 'the best day ever'. Mind, this one is only 4 and half years old....
Having apple trees is one thing. Individually wrapping a couple of sacks of apples is quite another...