Getting Started

If you’d like a plot, put your name on the waiting list by clicking Apply below. Most people start off with a half plot; this not only allows more people to become tenants, but also means you take on a manageable area and don’t get overwhelmed. You can see plot size and prices on the YACIO FAQ page.

When a number of plots become vacant, (usually in the new year when annual bills go out), our Site Secretary, Christine Robertson, arranges a day for all of those on the list to visit and state their preferences. The Site Secretary then allocates plots and notifies the council. If plots become vacant later in the year they either arrange another day or meet individuals to offer them what is available.

If you’re a new tenant, welcome to the Low Moor community. We trust you will spend many a happy hour growing and eating your own produce.

Ground rules for your plot are fairly simple and dictated by York Allotments. All the detail is in the pack you will receive from the YACIO, including your tenancy agreement. Plots should be cultivated over at least two thirds of the available ground; boundary hedges should be a maximum height of five feet (for security reasons) and bonfires should be set with careful reference to your neighbours. Only ever burn dry material which will burn quickly rather than smoke for hours and if possible compost it instead.

We advise thinking carefully about how you will tackle your new plot before launching in – be realistic rather than idealistic! Raised beds are popular and demarcate paths from growing areas clearly. Judicious use of groundcover at the start will help you biting off more than you can chew. You are likely to need half a day each week at least to get things going and more during the rapid growing season. There are watering taps on site and you can fill water butts on your plot using a hose. Please be aware that everyone has equal access to water and leaving a hose locked onto a tap for extended periods might distress your parched neighbours. Collect what you can from the sky over the year!

If you want some simple tips on how to garden and grow things in your allotment, you might find it useful to consult our monthly guides (mostly written by a former site secretary, so local expertise guaranteed!).

The serious monthly calendar guide is here, while there’s a more light-hearted take on things here. There is also a plot holders guide from the Department for Communities and Local Government, available here.

There are three notice boards on the site by entrances on Kilburn Road and the two gates leading to the stray. Keep an eye on these for updates and events.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact committee members or pop into the Store. We really hope you enjoy being a plot holder.

Useful resources

Allotment Garden: Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Gardening on an Allotment, General Gardening Help and Advice. Sign up to their Newsletter for great advice every month.