Low moor is host to a successful and lively Kids allotment club on Saturday mornings from March through to October. The club is for a group of around a dozen children who sign up for the whole year, supported by adults on a rota basis.

Members will be helped to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers on the small and large shared beds. They will have responsibility for looking after their own small bed, as well as sharing in the planting up and care of the larger shared beds. The activities will change as the season progresses but some jobs (like weeding and watering), have to be done very regularly, if we are going to be successful gardeners. Sometimes we shall include activities relating to the wild life that plays an important part in organic gardening. Other experiences on offer include gardening in our greenhouse and managing our wild life pond. We also enter produce grown on the plot for local shows.
Our usual routine for Saturday sessions is:
1. Probably an initial walk around the plot observing changes and noticing tasks that need doing on the different beds.
2. Start initial tasks listed.
3. About half way through, a Drink /Snack break for all, and a chance to chat.
4. Each session will likely include a new activity on the plot , one that will add to the children’s knowledge of plants, the soil and how to help things to grow.
5. We shall finish with a short “together” session, completing the Plot Diary to record what we have done that week and looking forward to the next.
If you are interested please contact Angela via the allotment shop.